Thursday 25 October 2012

I Have Thrombophlebitis, Should I Be Worried?

Many people develop Thrombophlebitis in the legs. Thrombophlebitis is when a blood clot is formed and leads to swelling in the vein. it may also be present in more then one vein. Superficial Thrombophlebitis is when the vein is near or close to the skins surface, while on the other hand a deep vein Thrombosis is present in veins that are deeper into the body. Only when the clot is deeper into the veins (deep vein Thrombosis) it is considered a health risk. there are problems when this happens. For example the clot can be moved and travel to the lungs, it can block a main artery. For this sole purpose speaking with a doctor regarding the issue is highly advised.

having major health issues with superficial thrombophlebitis, is very rare, however if the clot is found in the deep veins can lead to deep vein thrombosis. If the clot is in the deep vein, medical attention should be received immediately due to the fact that this can be a life-theatregoing experience.

now if you want to treat superficial thrombophlebitis, you can try applying heat to the area, raising the leg or even purchasing some of the over the counter medication. if the issue is in the deep veins, treatments include blood thinning medication, medication to dissolve the clot, socks stockings to give the legs better blood flow, a filter, clot removal and in worst case scenarios, by-pass surgery.

you can always try certain procedures to prevent your self from getting clots. for example when in an air plane get up and walk around the cabin once in a while, while driving take a break, stretch your legs and keep the blood flow moving.

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